The Claim Process
When disaster strikes your property it is a very stressful time…from dealing with the shock of loss, to lodging insurance claims and getting repairs done, it is seldom plain sailing. Intebuild understands this and has the knowledge and experience to help relieve your stress.
Your first point of contact after a disaster event is with your insurer or broker. They may then choose to appoint a loss adjuster to manage your claim. Any of those insurance specialists can request Intebuild to attend your property and carry out some, or all of the following initial steps:
- Emergency works
- Immediate repairs
- Quotation for repairs
- Insurance report

You will be contacted within a few hours of Intebuild receiving a request. We will then arrange for a project supervisor to visit your property to either carry out immediate works or to gather information to submit to your insurer.
Intebuild will usually be asked to provide a repair quotation to your insurer and this will be done as soon as possible, generally within a few days.
Your project supervisor will personally organise and supervise your repairs from start to completion, taking the stress out of the experience and delivering you a quality result.
You can download a blank repair completion notice here.